About Me

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My education in architecture school at USC allowed me to learn more about design progress rather than odd geometry shape. I think more and trying to learn how to reconcile idealism and reality. I think creating building is same as solving question. What’s the problem and how to solve it would be more interesting. Apart from that I also got LEED GA certified and International competition experience. All academic programs don’t mean I don’t have any practical experience. I just finished a temporary job last week. I worked as an architect assistant at (fer) studio, Inglewood, CA, which started from September. I knew it was a short-term job before I started, but I still worked for them. This type of job is very acceptable to me because I can familiar with different types of firms not only through websites but also their people and the way they work. Besides that I have taken two internships. One was in KlingStubbins during last summer. I helped in modeling Russian commercial zoning by using Revit. Another one was working at MAD in China for six months. My job was schematic design and modeling done by rhino.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Houhai, Shenzhen CBD Transportation Design

This is an architectural modeling process. We are assigned with a existing proposal by Shenzhen, China government to validate its rationality. Our group focuses on transportation flow and its related infrastructure design. According to the formula Q (traffic flow) = K (cars/km) * V (cars/hr), we create a digital model by Maya to simulate its possible flow situation. The color blocks stand for the cars, bus, subway and other types of vehicles. Our proposal is to improve circulation by evaluating infrastructure and mode efficiency. Apart from that, we bring up a new kind of solution, iPhone application. By using app in iPhone we can get the live flow on road and reduce congestion within this area more efficiently.

Nine different scenarios were tested in order to reveal the worst, least fluid movement (lowest ’Q’). This occurs when relative velocity (V) and density (K) are highest. As a result of these tests other significant problematic scenarios were exposed. Left turns without an adequate dedicated left turn land and signal result in congestion. At the level of a local road the presence of a parking lot exit proves to inhibit flow, especially following a major event, such as a stadium event when a large quantity of vehicles populate the site at once. This situation entirely disrupts flow and necessitates specific traffic control operations for alleviation. The rate of flow is on the curve immediately prior to a state of congestion. This state would eventually prove to be achieved by a combination of strategies working simultaneously in an intelligent hybrid mode.

The basic strategy is calculating population in this area and arranging their entrances from every intersection. We got possible population according different programs in the area.  That is why we did research on intersections. This is basic information for future modeling.

The next step is creating a model of traffic flow simulation within this area. The running blocks on the road stand for vehicle in the traffic. Each car has unique attributes, which forced it moving along the different lanes, directions and speed. We used numbers to stand for four directions of destination. For instance, ‘12’ is north, ‘6’ is south, ‘9’ equal to west and east is ‘3’. Therefore, every car has it own destination number. A car from north to south is ‘6’. The second attribute is lane number. The central lane is the busiest one which uses number ‘3’ stands for. And the lane closest to curb is ‘1’. We set the cars at start point and primary speed and then we got the digital model of flow. We can see clearly that ''
‘RED’ color stands for congestion.  

 After examining possible congestion of this area, we offered different solutions to Shenzhen, China government. The first one is adding public transportation, which includes bus, subway and bicycle. Comparing to existing proposal, add one subway line with two stops would reduce traffic jam and improve circulation efficiency to 23.6%. And one bus line would reduce traffic jam and improve circulation efficiency to 10.2%.

 Another solution is eliminating left turn by using new infrastructure. We created a new model of adding new type of infrastructure and calculated the new efficiency. Comparing to existing proposal, add one intersection would reduce traffic jam and improve circulation efficiency to 12.3%. Using ‘no left turn’ strategy below would reduce traffic jam and improve circulation efficiency to 13.8%. In order to reduce number of vehicle by reducing parking lot or rising parking fee is another efficiency way.

The last but most efficient way is using Iphone notification system. What proved to be the most efficient tool is what we are proposing in the form of an iPhone application. This powerful tool is capable of increasing efficiency by 56.3%. Any user can choose to send his or her own travel plan (origin, destination and time) to a main server via iPhone. The server is continuously updating and calculating millions of users individual, unique input data to get a perfect route composition for the street system, and returning to each user an optimum mode and route choice. All this before the user steps out the door. In the event of an unforeseen circumstance that will affect the smooth travel the user is immediately informed via iPhone. The diagram to the right depicts this process. The user wakes up, prepares for the day, send travel plan request, (complete with mode and cost preference), receives the travel plan and leaves for his or her destination, and go to work.

Infrastructures Implementation of a subway system is certainly an effective choice, but does not come at a low cost. Market rate parking prices is another effective strategy, but limited in that it does not provide any greater use in terms of movement of users. The single most effective tool is the intelligence-based iPhone application at almost 50% efficiency. Because of the micro-architecture of this tool, it’s usefulness is incredibly increased. It possesses an inherent capacity that transcends this site alone and will operate on any site of any scale.  

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